1. Sherlock Transcript: "A Study in Pink" (part 1) - Ariane DeVere
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Sherlock, Season 1, episode 1 transcript: A Study in Pink, part 1 It’s two years late. So sue me. But certain people (*glares pointedly in the direction of the north of England*) kept on nagging and moaning and complaining and saying that even at this late stage Season 1 transcripts would be still…
2. Episode 1: Chrysalis - Script | Life is Strange Wiki
This article is a script for Episode 1: Chrysalis. Nightmare - Lighthouse - It is raining heavily. The forest and the lighthouse pathway are lit up momentarily ...
This article is a script for Episode 1: Chrysalis. - Lighthouse - It is raining heavily. The forest and the lighthouse pathway are lit up momentarily by lightning flashes. Max is lying on the ground with her eyes closed. She slowly opens her eyes and starts to look around. Max: (thinking) Where am I? What's happening? [gets up] I'm trapped in a storm? How did I get here? ...and where is "here"? Max notices the lighthouse in the distance. Max: (thinking) Wait... There's the lighthouse... I'll be
3. 121 - A Story of Love and Horror, Part 1: “Barks”
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The password is “mudwomb”. The username is “mudwomb”. The website is “mudwomb”. Where did the rest of the Internet go? Welcome to Night Vale. I would like to tell you a story. It is a difficult story and I don’t know what it means, but it seems important to me to tell you. It is about two people and a terrible, impossible decision that they found themselves having to make. It concerns Frances Donaldson and Nazr al-Mujaheed. But first, the community calendar. This Tuesday evening the Night Vale Football Boosters Club will hold their meeting at the Applebee’s that we’re all pretty sure was a Chili’s just yesterday, but now is an Applebee’s, and all records show it has always been an Applebee’s even though we remember it as a Chili’s. The subject of this week’s meeting will be the timing of football games, which all members agree are too long. “Hey, I like football as much as the next guy,” said Hannah Gutierrez, “but a whole sixty minutes of play? Plus all the breaks and starting and stopping? We’re busy people. Football should take less time.” The Booster Club will be working on their new proposal to get games done in a tight 15, so everyone can get home to watch the newest episode of Stop Chef, in which a group of contestants compete to prevent a chef from cooking. Wednesday is Love Day at Dark Owl Records. Owner Michelle Nguyen explained that after recent love-focused events, she wanted everyone to understand that love is a laughable concept. And she wanted to hig...
4. Transcript of Slow Burn Season 1, Episode 1: Martha
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From Slate’s hit podcast series.
5. Episode 1: Arrival at Kraghammer - Critical Role Transcript
combat, women, and ale! [record scratch]. TRAVIS: Wait. Easily the brains of the group, Grog is often consulted for his vast knowledge of. shapes, colors ...
Below is the full transcript of Critical Role episode 1, Arrival at Kraghammer. If you have questions about these transcripts, tweet us @CRTranscript! Final SRT files | Final TXT files MATT:...
6. [PDF] Script for Season 1, Episode 1 - Gen-Z Media
101-INTRO OLIVER PRUITT MONOLOGUE. Open with mysterious music as we're introduced to our narrator/sponsor/host, the billionaire inventor, OLIVER. PRUITT.
7. Love is Strange/Script | Life is Strange Wiki | Fandom
Love is Strange / Script Love is Strange / Journal This article is a script for the fan-made game Love is Strange.
This article is a script for the fan-made game Love is Strange. (Alarm beeps) Ugh... Insert groan here. Alarm: Brrz. Brrz. I stretch out, yawning, as I make my way to the window to feel the sunlight on my skin. Lisa seems to be enjoying it, too. She's grown like crazy over the past year. My mom would be so proud. Wow. A whole year already... It's hard to believe I've been at Blackwell for that long. I'm so glad that I came back to Arcadia Bay...and not just for Blackwell Academy, although I'd be
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8. Sherlock Transcript: "A Scandal in Belgravia" (part 4) - Ariane DeVere
Sherlock,” Season 2, episode 1 transcript: 'A Scandal in Belgravia,' part 4 *channelling D.I. Lestrade* OK, everybody ... SHERLOCK: And this is just losing. ( ...
“Sherlock,” Season 2, episode 1 transcript: ‘A Scandal in Belgravia,’ part 4 *channelling D.I. Lestrade* OK, everybody. Done here. So finally it’s finished. (Collapses in an exhausted heap, giggling) It took way longer than I ever thought – I’ve been transcribing 42-minute episodes for the past…
9. Slowly introducing static analysis without changing everything
Jun 25, 2024 · ... 1 in Rector is way fewer changes. In ... Excellent. This episode is sponsored by Mailtrap, an email delivery platform that developers love.
Maybe you've tried to add static analysis to your Laravel app and got scared away by all the errors. In this episode we discuss how we like to introduce PHPStan to large, long-lived projects in a w...
10. Campaign 2, Episode 1: Curious Beginnings - Critical Role Transcript
SAM: That's not a real name! MARISHA: I know. I love it on the slate. It always says 'Sprinkles'. Jan-Michael Losada, who is our.
Below is the full transcript of Campaign 2, Episode 1: Curious Beginnings. This episode courtesy of the CRTranscript team. Spellings are official, confirmed by Matthew Mercer. Final SRT files | ...
11. [PDF] CHERNOBYL Episode 1 - "1:23:45" Written by Craig Mazin August 15 ...
Aug 15, 2018 · In love. Next to the photo, a calendar. The year is 1986. We hear: a ... Breathing slowly, but heavily. Like a dying animal ...
12. [PDF] SAFE Episode One Draft 16.01.17 clean Script - TV Writing
Shit, where is she? Safe Episode 1 16.01.17. 1. Page 3. He can't see her. She's gone. Vanished. The tube doors slide open. The man's heart beats wildly in his ...
13. Ugly Love - Excerpt - Chapter One - Wattpad
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Read Chapter One from the story Ugly Love - Excerpt by AuthorColleenHoover (Colleen Hoover) with 305,992 reads.“Somebody stabbed you in the neck, young lady.”...
14. Introducing 'Off Script', a new series from Intercom
Apr 4, 2024 · What follows is a lightly edited transcript of the episode. Off Script: Episode 1. Des Traynor on the AI revolution. “Do you know who ...
Off Script is a new series of candid conversations with Intercom leaders, about the extraordinary AI-driven transformation we’re currently experiencing.
15. The After Glow - Grief is not like we see in our favorite... | Facebook
Grief is not like we see in our favorite TV shows movies and books. Death is usually part of any plot script. Soap operas, movies, hospital dramas,...
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