THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1992 30-10 Business Opportunity 30-10 Business Opportunity 30-10 Business Opportunity 30-10 Business Opportunity 25-10 Dogs Cats Supplies CROSSWORD Edited by James C. Boldt and Joyce Nichols Lewis 83 to bed" 84 Football no-no's 85 Brussels-based command 87 Blackthorn 88 Craze 91 "Myth of Hercules" painter 92 Milwaukee shortstops? 96 Sched. column head 97 Superintended 99 Revel 100" in Love With Amy" 101 Cleoor Frankie 102 WW II maritime hazards 103 Wisps of precipitation 105 Evinced malice 107 Cincinnati left fielders? 109 Calvin's home city 110 Robeson, for one 1 1 1 Cowcatcher 14 Kind of relief 1 5 San Diego right fielders? 16 Make over 17 I saw Elba" 18 Mayday! 24 Perfecta or exacta 25 Title last held by Nicholas 29 Gazebo 31 ERA or RBI 33 Prelim, calculations 34 Guitarfish 36 Legal claims 37 Anent 38 Short smokes? 39 Joiners 44 Potential cpl. 46 Pittsburgh catchers? 47 Shipwreck remains 48 Move cargo 49 Don Juan type 51 Gl mail drops 52 Portend 53 Famous essayist's pen name 55 Destroyer function 58 Turner or Koppel 59 Winter racer 61 Fateful assent 63 West Coast pitchers? 64 Aplenty, old style 65 "War" 67 Code units 68 Handle, to Henri 73 Backbone mountain range 75 13th Greek letters 77 Involved with 78 about: approximately 79 Ht. 80 Draw a split hairs 81 Stand show reverence 83 English stage actor McCowen 84 Magnon 86 Mistaken 87 Hard cheeses 89 Locale for simple pleasures 90 Word with up or down 92 Destructive one 93 En short-haired 94 Red horse with white patches 95 Antagonist of 22 Across 98 Winnowing device 100 7-time Norris Trophy winner 102 Bator, formerly Urga 103 November exhortation 104" first you don't 105 Executed by auth.
1 06 Architect I.M. 107 Literary monogram 108Classrm. aides 112 Golfer's situation 113 Engine inventor Rudolf 114 Dagger, once 115 Central Caucasian 116 Word with case or sack DOWN 1 Daiquiri ingredient 2 Checkpoint Charlie, was one 3 Detroit centerfielders? 4 Dagger handle 5 Extinct wild ox 6 Bad beginning? 7 Philippine natives 8 Libel 9 Troubled South African area 10 Choose partners 11 Shore birds 12 shaped curve 13 off: parries By Bert Rosenfield ACROSS 1 OPEC unit 4 Like a rain forest 9 Graf .13 Crosses the plate 19 Motorists' org. 20 O'Hara's" to Live" 21 Shell crew 22 Corrida principal 23 Minnesota first basemen? 26 Ammonia compounds 27 Judicial decrees 28 London demolition crew 29 Dispatch boat 30 Donnybrook 31 Body: Comb, form 32 Pull through 35 Crosswd. clue 36 Chicago second I basemen 40 Satellite org.
'41 NYC mass transit 42 Actress Claire namesakes (.43 Spanish sherry category 44 Wacky, Brit style 45 Composer Jacques "47 Shanty 50 Camelopards 52 Beat it, old style $4 Incipient turmoil 56 Psychedelic Initials 57 Low-fat spreads 58 Country singer Mel 60 A-U connection 62 Attention getter 66 Uncomplimen- tary gossip 67 St. Louis third baseman? 69 Lady of Spain 70 Free's companion 71 Pindar product 72 Shipwrecked king of "The Tempest" 73 Pyromaniac's ploy 74 Neighbor of Mich. 76 They await the time 78 Knockout combination 79 Outpouring 82 Atlas abbr. 1 2 3 TT1 pi I I 10 11 12 I I13 I14 hs lie 117 lis 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 I 140 41 42 43 LJ 1 45 46 47 48 1 49 I 50 51 52 53 54 55 156 57 1 6Q 61 62 63 1 64 1 65 I Mi 66 67 68 69 1 72 mmimmlmm 74" 75 I 77 76 79 80 81 32 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9" 91 92 93 1 94 1 95 96 97 98 gg JpOO 101 ibT "103 104 105 1 106 107 108 TbT Tio vfi 112 GASCON VEN-SHELL Palm Beach Ctv S260K Major intersection. Fla.
Comm'l Rlty 306-772-3818 GASCONV MAJOR OIL CO Busy corner $52K net 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs, GASREPAIRLAND Q'osa Million, earn S150K, busy Pechter Brkr 738-6222 Gin personal condo sve shop PB Island $30K net 828-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. GLASSMIRROR $99,900 Affluent area. Owner will hold PMM wtt down, discount for all cash transaction. All eqpt. included.
Thomas Courtney 7a-lUOO 160.0699J TURN Deluxe operation! Western communities. Nancy Macatuso 793-1000 (160.0721) Gimelstob Realty inc. Better lWHome, GOLF CLUB MFR Repaira viaKe uner Muai aen AWARD Business Bkrs. GOLF MAGAZINE Profitable. upacale business, turn key financing, eur -ear -Quit-.
GOLF PUBLICATION Distributors. Needed Immed. Local areas, no cash required, be your own boss. Call 813-287-2992. gun shop Call 689-6561 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs HALLMARK CARDS gifts.
owner tin, $50K net, 622-1111 Adams Business Bkrs. HATTERAS 52' CNV 1989 GM 6V-92TA twr dkhse galley layout exc elect iquip KhU 4U7-770-3631 dlr HOT DOG CART FOR SALE 585-2802 ICE CREAM PARLOR New business Great potential Best offer 989-0109. ICE CREAMSANDWICHES Nets $60K. Easy down. PRO-1 Bus 840-1212 INTERIOR DECORATING CAREER SEMINAR Decorating Den, The World's 1 Interior Decorating Co.
a Money Magazine Top 10 op- Rortunity for the 'BO's will ost free career workshop on Thurs, March 26 In Stuart. Call for registration 659-1633 LAWN MAINT. Equip Trailer. Complete for business. 647-2961 LEASING vehicles est 11 yrs owner trtm iouk ee-iuu AWARD Business Bkrs.
LIMO SERVICE High net, exc oppty 669-6551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs LIQUOR STORE Gross $880K 889-5651 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs LOUNGEPACKAGE 4-COP 4000 SF, Sub. Lake Worth. 30 yr lease, 10 yra remaining, $225,000. Terms. 793-8817 LUBE AND TUNE USA Automotive after market, fast est growing segment of franchlseing.
Be in business for yourself, no by your self. All equipement, training, assistances in marketing, advertising and Real Estate. $39,950. Some Financing Available, offers by Prospectus, after personal interview. LUBE AND TUNE USA 1-800-344-TUNE LUCKY LADY Get into the lottery a Lucky Lady Greeting Card business.
Possible $700 wk A more easily attainable for an 6-10 hr. week. No selling, no competition lust service retail accounts. $2999 secured investment. $100 money back Qua rant eel 1-800-467-6626 lunch, etc Nets $60K.
689-6661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs MAIL SERVICES Est -ver 6 yrs inci packing ahipplng. Via UPS, Fedex, US Mail, fax, copy, mall boxes, keys many more. Exc potential lor motivated owners. Will train. Asking $16,000 Call Royal Mail, 798-8774.
MANUFACTURING Nats $110K Terms and training PRO-1 Bua MASTER DISTRIBUTOR needed in Peim Beach by Int I. Mir. wlesding product line. Invest, req'd. Mr.
Lee, 305-429-9319. MEDICAL BILLING Qualified persons earn substantial PTFT income processing paperless computerized Insurance claims and providing traditional billing services to medical practitioners. National Healthcare Support Corporation supplies the best software, training and support available to this Industry. Requires $6,200 and a PC. Call NHSC for free information at (913) 262-3396.
DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE COMPETITION CALL US FOR THE FACTS BEFORE YOU BUY. MEN'S SHOP Small, estab lished 4 years in exclt NPB shopping center. With or wout inventory. 626-6539 MILLER RTC CONT. WAGS $860,000 Gross, Low Oown.
Reg. Good Credit. $1,200,000 Gross. Landmark. Dinner only.
R.E. evail. Distress Restauranta. Ll- Juor Martin, PB Broward. Overlooking Water.
Stuart. Fish Operation. Freeatanding. $20,000 takes it all. Rest.
-Liquor, Military Tr. Freestsnding. Parking. Leaae Option. $5500 rent.
Equipped. Flea Market. Leaae, 54 booths, low dn. Partner? Bkr 654-8087; 274-8977; 626-8362 MIN 25 ROI ANNUALLY GUARANTEE BUY BACKI $50,000 MIN. INVESTMENT, ABSENTEE OPERATION.
ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS. CALL JIM BARR AT 1-800-289-2788 MLM Ground Floor Sell Dental Plan that pays for itself on first office visit! Wkly mo. comm. eke. Call 800-653-2733 (24 hr mag).
Lv name, pn aog. ror tree into. MORTGAGES Priv. Party; Cash for your mtg. No cost to you.
305-663-0683 MOTEL 30-UNIT Low Down, Aaaume Mtga-er SILTON REALTY 842 6740 MOVING CO. Estab. 12 yra. i-irucKs a van. Fully equipped.
$50K Some owner tinan. 989-2869. MUFFLER SHOP Nets $t10K 689-5551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs NATIONAL FRANCHISE Business r-ormsCommerciel Printing Distributorship serving Pslm Beach I Martin Countiea. Estsblished 3 yra. with annual sates of S200K Reply to Box X58, Palm Beach Post.
NEED Distribution Business wortn ei.uuu.uuu up. 828-3590, PB Bus. Bkr NIGHTCLUB DISTRESS sale Must sell lust $175K II PRO-1 Bus Bkrs 1 32292 call 1-900-896-2124, ext. 82. The cost is 95 cents a minute.
Push-button NEED PEOPLE FOR AUSTRALIA, EUROPE SO. AMERICA ORIENT Intnat'l Mktg. Co. seeks 63 Billion doUar industry expanding into 40tae countries. Tremendous opptyl If your are positive, motivated ft coachable with ability to train people ft accustomed lo a six figure income.
Call lor pvt. Interview. 407 392-3iMS5 NINTENDO Earn money while you sleep Min investment, $11,850. Call 1-800-366-9009. 24 hre.
Recession proof business. Expansion capital needed. $6fQQ0w wax ror Mary, on-irzot PAWN SHOP Centrally located, turnkey operation. 'Qayav 967-6094; eves 964-4381, PET SHOP. RED TAG SAU! Limited Time Reduction $27,075.
Pet ShopGroemtna-- very busy visible $55K. Nancy Macaluso; 793-1000 (169.0014) Gimelstob Realty jna CBetter PIZZAITAL REST Distress' Sale-Owner fin $37,000, $tOK qn. A. Antnony Ht 433-31QO- PI22A REST Shop CtrwT mej anchors reduced $167K PRO-1 Bus 337-4111 PIZZA SHOP Lsrge volume, High traffic shopping center. Terms' 776-0803, Buainese Associates, Broktjr PIZZA a.
SUB TAKEOUT PBG location. Heavy traffic aree. Call 627-7367. PLANT NURSERY Great outdoor earns $100,000., selling near assets. $1B0K.
cons, terms. PB Bkr 997460 POOL ROUTE, consolidafedr $7000 mo billing, earn $60tCi Pechter Brkr 738-682? POSTAL STORE protitaoie, low oown paymeaWi 776-0803, PRINTING CO S'M Nets $83K, Details. 669-686tn Ronald Lawrence Bkrs" PRINTING COM Nets SerSKrn Will train well est-growing PRO-1 Bus PRINTING FIRM One of the best equipped In ffalmt Beechesl Equipment worth $80,000. HsK! $18,000 down. Will finance belence.
Call 883-0171. PRO-1 BUS BKRS has expanded to Palm BchnrtMe are looking for a select feteo Join the PRO-1 Team Calkoaw fHU-1 out KiJ PUB OWNER Would IrMHe leeee. rent or buy liquor license. Call 627-8789 a RECESSION PROOF SERVICE DEALERSHIP PROGRAM NO ROYALTIES $16,750 INVESTMENT 1-800-229-6571 REST. A BAR For Lease.
Completely Equipped domg Bus. Very reasonsble terms" SUB SHOP $29,000 A eymaker wunlimited poteet-tial. 6 day wk. 7 AM til 3si DUNKIN OONUT Francruww $800K groaa, $160K net, est. 30 yra.
Best shop arouijrj, owner retiring. 9 C. STORE 210o' sq.H equip, Dell caae, needa ag-graaalve owner. Only $39,000 ICE CREAM YOGURT. Very attractive decor wthe.beat inside costing.
North ern Loc, near ocean. Owner very Motivated. Call JERRY FAZIO 863-S0r5, Investment Equity Corp. 626-5100 REST. Intracoastal Palm Beach 190 seats.
4COP, well known, dockage i RE incl. 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. RESTAURANT AVAILABLE Fully equipped a furnrsfieo', lor leaae. 659-4422 RESTAURANT Jupiter area. Seats 65.
Ask- Ing $60,000. Call 743-1995 RESTAURANTS -S. FLA er mraterrront it Intracoestel, Palm Beach $1.6 $2.6 million it Cenel Ocean Acceas- Broward, $600,000 it Palm Bch tree atanding 4 COP SRX -it Broward Federal Hwy-i- 2 COP, $699,000 it W. Browerd Buaineaa only Seata 260. Great hra 3-8 Good terma, $325,000 Call Marie, DWV Investments 305-429-8800 RESTAURANT A LIQUOR Licenee Or Multi-purpoae tree stendlng bldg on busy Okeechobee Blvd.
SALE OPT LEASE OPTION. Bruce Sande, Associated Brokers, 790-3721 or eves, 793-3181! RESTAURANT B. Cty, lie. aeaia ro, oar Bears po. Call 641-3067, ask lor Susan.
RESTAURANT Nets $72K Landmark 889-5551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs RESTAURANT Juno Beach, u.s. 2,400 sf, lufoKey equipped. Immed. occ. FIRST INTERSTATE 694-20OCI RESTAURANTS DELI Busy, Terms.
SPORTS BAR $1 Mil. Gross, GERMAN Profitable CHINESE 62 Seat, graft toe Sheehan Bkr. 626-9SO0 ROYAL VENDORS'" MARKET Under new Now accepting applications, lor vendors. Rent from, $300 per mo (Everything irtct 793-4500; 790-5370 SANDWICH Ice Cream Shop" Divorce rorcea sale! uwner. 879-9561 hm, 286-1988 St SELLING YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS PRO-1 Bus Bkrs 840-12 SERVICE BUREAU Graphic Aria Studio fr aale.
TEQUESTA. (DEB WOOB8V OCEAN PARKS PROPERTIES, INC. 746-2438. SPORTS BAR Small working Man Dar, Dig net profit: LIQUOR STORE beat location in town. Foater a Foater RE 863-0011- SPORTS BAR.
Real nicr E-Z down, will PRO-1 Bue sub shop e- 1 Frenchlse 689-6561 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs- SUB SHOPBEER 614 Gross $120 earn $35 k. 1 Mb HtALt l-800-743-at- SUB SHOP Heart problem orcea aaie. rroritaDie. lerma. Bualnass Associates, Im a It PUS iWn.u I i kinnlTliin I IMF With 11 tanka.
chiller rectifier, aet A TAadv to do. ror more Information call 586-5030. APPLIANCE WHOLESALER ttTiM-w Trm Avail. Foster RE 863-0011 Architect Mi II work niunr try fin S70K net exc reo AWARD Business I Bkrs. AR'P MEDICAL BILLING Opportunity io quamy IIAnr.
ill UAIir 6T6 for national healthcare com n. lorirnnii' medical ipany insur ance claims processing lor nractitioitafS mean; hi sin ooo PART TIME to over $80,000 FULL TIME. Compa ny training) inmai ce required, $5,998 plus PC capital ror II (702) intormanon oy man, wbh 352-4420 t-4 nours; ART A FRAME Income $300,000, estb 20 yrs, owner retiring, price iour mv, terms. Plm Bch Bkr 997-7460 ARTFRAME Upscale, 3 to choose from, low dn Pechter Brkr 738-6222 AUTO CARE $1,000,000 THE NEXT STP Exclusive Distributorship HIGH ROI $26,000 min, cash required 1-800-982-3062 AUTOMOTIVE Suoer Location. Military Tr.
N. of Southern Blvd. 4600 sq ft in outstanding bldg. Ample parking. Lifts, lrg elect aign in place.
Be next to buBy net'l franchise-Precision Tune. Call 483-1832, 686-1132 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Business Established with living quarters cottage on 3 acres. AUTO REPAIR CTR Gross S540K 668-5651 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs AWARD Business Bkrs. Our data base includea 1300 ready buyers. WE CAN SELL TUUH BUSINESS UUIOM-TI 626-1200 1201 U.S.
HWY. 1, N.P.B. B.B.Q.SRX LIC. Qross S400K, earn 76K, a winner. Pechter Brkr 738-6222 BAKERY S400K gross, earn S75K.
turn kev ooaretion Pechter Brkr 738-6222 BAKERY ROUTE $160K gross, earn $700 wk, dn S20K Pechter Brkr 738-6222 BAKERY WholslRetail ownr tramtin SB4K net 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. BAR AND RESTAURANT Seating 78. On Atlantic Ave, 2 blks from bch in Delray, with 4COP Liquor Lie. Ready to go right now. lou.uuu down a 3roumo.wntcn incia all rent, waster removal and lie pymts.
Vision Properties 276-2136 BAR GRILL Nets $95K. 689-5661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs BAR A GRILL 4 lane hwy. wf sa.rt. uvnamite do- tential neede operator. SRX approved.
Serious buyers only need call. $45,000. 969-2717. BEAUTY PARLOR 616 Broadway, WPB 790-3291, 684-6982 BEAUTY SALON Terrific opportunity for Stylist to call their own ahots and be in buamess tor themseif. $80,000 per year aalea.
$6000 down. $17,000 total. Call Lillian 1-283-1696. BEAUTY SALON Exc. West L.W.
loc. 6 Statlona. $500 Down. Owner fin. 965-7126.
BEAUTY SALON 7 hair ata ons. 1 na hiah aroaa. Aoot. COLLIE REALTY, INC, 627-2299 BEAUTY SALON Prime L.W. location.
Real nice, low price 585-3192 BEAUTY SALON Juno Beach Walk to ocean, good lease, parking, azo.ouu. oro-uuuB BEAUTY SHOPS North to South County, big to small, we've got them all. Foster Foster RE 883-0011 BEVERAGE STORE Boca, nigh volume. He max iou inc 7arj-8b00 1-800-742-8963 BICYCLE SHOP Parte And Repairs Only, will train. Nets over a growing.
Selling for $46,000. Call Jim or Lynn 967-0287 BIKEMOPED Rental, $180K groaa, earn $70K, dn $60K Pechter Brkr 738-6222 BLIMPIES SUBS A SALADS Boynton area. REMAX 100 inc 7HS-66UO 1-BOO-742-B953 Boat SalasSvc excl franchise ownr trfin $125K net 622-1111 Adams Business Bkrs. BOAT TRAILERS A MORE Owner retiring, nicel PRO-1 Bus Bkrs 640-1212 BOUTIQUE North County, nign ena, very specialized manufactured outlet. Foster Foster RE 863-0011 BP CONVENIENCE $40K In side ssles.
Good lease terms. Foster Foster RE 863-0011 BreakfastLunch Nets $36K. Detaila, 869-6551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs BREAKFASTLUNCH er nor spot, location -er SILTON REALTY 842-6740 BUSINESSES ALL TYPES List mail tree. Ca Todav RS Realty 1 800-743-8986 BUSINESSES earn $100K up ror net or ru companiea in thia area call 626-3590, Paim Beach Business Broksrs Businesses For Salt Copies A Office Supply Dry Cleaner Restauranta Manufacturing Postal Store Florist Window Coverings Pool Supplies Qolf Shop Video Store Ice Cream-Yogurt Ice Company Sub Shops Printing Coin Laundry Plant Nursery Antique Shop Glass Tinting Janitorial Lawn Maintenance OTHERS AVAILABLE. CALL FOR FREE LIST.
775-0803 I 283-7271 BUSINESS ASSOCIATES Licensed Broker BUSINESSES AVAIL: GasConvenience Coin Laundrv Many Others-Call for Free List BIB 845-6799 BIB Member FL Bus. Brokers Assoc CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS MLS BUSINESS LISTINGS HOTSHEET mailed free. Pirn Bch Bus Prop 997-7460 BUSINESS LIST Mailed Free. Call Today! Pechter Brkr 738-6222 BUSINESS OPPTY'S ir Barpkg. store.
Gross $500 Make offer. it Liquor Store, net $45 K. Make offer. Call Paul. 824 485S Investors Realty Service BUSINESS Opportunities: Automotive Services Gift Shops Hair Care Marine Service Restaurants Manufacturing Beach Retail Bike Shop Jewelry Diet.
Call: 622-1111 or 1-800-273-6069 Adams Business Bkrs. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUYINGSELLING Confidential Experienced Financing Aseistance Proven Results Free Consultation Before you buy or sell, call Ihe best. 689-5651 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs BUSINESS OWNER We have qualified BUYERS with WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. BUSINESS PARTNER want ed to open shop specisllz-Ing in Louisiana food A eea-aonlng, must be Louisisna cajun.
Let's talk, 835-0012 BIZ OPPTY Clean Work whigh income installing car alarma A access. Window tinting more retail store. $25k. Will trsin. 663-7738 CABARET 4COP.
175 sests. full kitch. owner tin 626-1200 AWAftD Business Bkrs. CAFE Delux office Comdex. 6 day, earn $60 down $35 H3 REALTY 1-800-743-8986 CANDY A NUTS BOYNTON BCH MALL Nat'l franchfae, eaay to operate.
Unbelievably low Dhcadl Stan Nelson BB 407-666-3386 CARD CANDY A GIFT SHOP. Prime Wellinaton tocetion. Price Reduced. 790-8825 CAREER OPPT'Y Natl large college degree prei. Minorttiea welcome.
Send reaume to: R.M., 4621 PGA Blvd. 118, PBQ 33410 Car Rental Franchise Worldwide. High net. Staff In place. Call 689-6561 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs CAR WASH 140K Buya equip.
A going business. i axe over lease, mojiw. CATERING CO. Estb 10 yrs earns $350004- oart time. Incl commissary, only $15,000 oown.
aim ben axr aar-reou CATERING A Gourmet Carry-Out. Excl. business oppt'y. Turn key operation. Owner re- loceting.
ivi-r jai-o: CATERING Serioua buyers tor well estsb PB clientele. 7th year. 2000 aq ft. Neta 96U.UU0. Call 609-OOUJ CHILD CARE CENTER Greet location, viaibility, con' dltlon.
642-2665. CHILDRENS DAYCARE Well Experience Not Required! Financing Arrangedl Call the "Day Care Specialiat" FL Investment A Waterfront Prop 881-0030 CLEANING SVC $4000 mo billing, $I1K down, 25 hr work Pechter Brkr 738-6222 COIN LAUNDRY good ceah now, greet loc, owner rinanc. otfera considered. 746-4274 COIN LAUNDRY Port St. Lucie, Hi Volume shopping Center.
Gross $97,000. Price $105,000. $29,600 down. Other Loca- tiona available. Call AAXON LAUNDRY BROKERS 1-800-826-1012 COIN PAY PHONES PAY OFF.
With an Investment of $8000 you may earn $300 to S4uu per week torever. Limit ed locations avaiiaDia. Call 407-236-9017 Comm Dry Cleaner Neta $145K. Call 689-5551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs COMM FLORIST S400K Groaa 689-6651 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs COMMUNICATIONS CO. aeeka worklno oartner tele phone tech exp.
Co rapidly growing Nationally recognized accounta. Immed response req'd for this small window of Oppor. 287-1740 No Bkra CONV.DELILOTTO Gross $500 k. dwn S56 Inventory. RS REALTY 1-800-743-8986 CONV.DELI Upscale, gross d2UK, eern BbK.
Pechter Brkr 738-6222 CONV STOREGAS Several loc all profitable PRO-1 Bus Custom Picture Frame Shoo Fully equipped, protiteble, low overneao, eJB.ow. wi-twr DAY CARE CENTERS Well estab. bus. $100K net. Owner TRFIN.
Property avail. Money maker. Business end or property, owner IHrlN. Rosen Assocs Bkr 655-4408 DECORATING BUSINESS Well it Prime Loce-tlon. Showroom.
Good Lease. $50,000. No Brkers 793-6 1 53 DELIRest 43 seals est 11 yrs iuu sq aiu.iAju 020-izuu AWARD Business Bkrs, DIST.RETAIL Home Improv. product J200K net 622-1111 Adams Business Bkrs. DISTRIBUTORSHIP Motivated leaders with down linea.
Network dynamic MtALin kmuuuois, non-Hi-vasive. World leader in alternative HEALTH CARE expand ing to US and Canadian markets, virtually no comoeti' tion lor exclusive patented products. Investment under $3000. Call for interview. March 22-25, 1-800-397-5387 DISTRIBUTORS NEW Break through "1 Day It worksl 1-800-776-7791 DistWholslRetall statewide owner fin S400K net 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs DOG GROOMING SHOP Busy.
Illness forces Terms. Call 588-3417 DRYCLEANERS Money ma Ken low aown wnn terms. Foster Foster RE 863-0011 Dry CleanerShirt Laundry uwner Heiinna. win finance $98,000 968-4402 Dry Cleaning Plant Gross $450K Call 689-6551 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs DRY CLEANING S125K gross, earn 976K, dn 40K Pechter Brkr 738-6222 EARN A DOCTOR'S salary wonune pan-iimei Amazing detaila. 407-744-3325, leave name number ENTREPRENEURS, Ex ecu tives Salespeople needed ror oisinouiion Dustness.
Associated with Inc. Magazines, 24th fastest orowina co. that has a 6A2 Dunn Bradstreet rating. You must be trainable, be committed to success, and want 6 figure income. This is noi a (jet ncn quicx scheme.
All investments secured. Serious inquiries call Jim Kurtz, 364-8563 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR 10 yr old co. seeks individual to market, both wholesale 4 retail, our new "State of the Art" electronic products to thousands of outlets in your area. Over $100,000 potential 1st year. Min.
investment $10K, secured by Inventory. Reg. state director positions avail, in some areas. Also, grow with us In our new headquartered at Universal Studios, FL. Complete training.
Call 407-294-4445 EXECUTIVE WANTED For new national membership organization In automobile field. $60,000 buys 24 equity $60,000 atartlng salary (NPB office). Required resume to: R. Taylor, President, P.O. Box 650253, Vero Bch, FL 32965 EXPLOSIVE CO.
Launched 3292 "where nature meets technology" Your opportunity to be on top. No Inv. req'dl For Info 743-7535 FAST FOOD ITALIAN RESTAURANT High volume food court oppty. Easy to operate fast food. Excf.
lease, fully stocked staffed. Low down payment. Stan Nelson BB 407-655-3366 FINANCIAL OPPTY Increase your income, earn per week, Save people thousands of dollars. Turnkey businesses from $595. Call The Loan Source 687-1400 A National Franchise FINANCIAL QUARANTEE AND FUNDING OPPTY 5 We can provided Cash Instruments andor Surety Bonds as collateral enhancements for qualified projects, 1 Mil UP.
Call (407) 391-8759, or Fax (407) 391-9266 FLORIST Solid invest. Low dn 669-5661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs FLORIST Palm Beach, lrg vol ume, low awn, neeas neipi Foster Foster RE 863-0011 FLORIST Profitable. ureat Location, lerms. 776-0803, 283-7271 Business Associates, Broker FLORIST Upscale, $160K groaa, earn $25K, low down Pechter Brkr 738-6222 FRANCHISE SPORTING GOODS STORE Buy, Sell, Trade Consign Used New Sporting Goods Equipment. PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS 800-433 2640 FRANCHISE Your BuiinessI The Most Ellective Way To Expand.
We develop your entire franchlae package market It nationwide. Free Initial consultation. Csll Robert Ames Business. Dev. Corp.
0840 FRANCHISE OPPTY unique specially retail franchise In one of the fastest growing segments of the furniture industry now eveileble In the trl-county area. Franchiae iee: eir.wuu. l-HUU-Z35-70y4 FRANCHISE NEW AUTO AIR UONDIIIONINQ SERVICE. PB Cty Don't Miss Outl (407) 642 4065 GARDEN CENTER Exc oppty Fie style 689-6551 Ronald Lawrence Blirs YORKSHIRE puppies. AKC papers.
8 wks old. 1 msle, 2 lem. $auu ea. oav-juio evea. AAA TRAINING nnpniFNCF CLUB PALM BCH Est.
1953, where we train YOU to train your dog. Class starts the firat Tuea. ft Thura of each month, ror Into, ca 627-DOQS or 969-DOGS A FRIEND FOR LIFE! Adopt a pet from PBC Animal Care ft Control At Belvedere ft Fla Mango Hd near pbia. Open M-F Sat 9-4, Sun Noon-4. For more Inlor- malion call 686-5299 FREE SCHNAUZER POODLE Mix, female, spayed, all Shots, 11 mos.
627-4929 25-20 Horses Ponies Supplies AQHA Mart 9 yrt, axe barral racer, trigwest, taay keep- er. upu, ctfj-paa ARABIAN 6 yr old, grey Geld ing, amteiic, iuou. Call 796-2349 ARABIAN For partial-lease. Well mannered. Lantana.
14.2 Hands. 5125mo 586-7417 BARREL PONY Mare, 12 2 nan as, va yrs oia, uuu. BUCKSKIN Mare Beaut. Kind willing. 15H.
aoorox. 10 yrs. $1000 or trade lor Hunter Jumper. Lenora 694-2356 eve FIRST CLASS BOARDING Ltahtfld Arena. Jumos.
$100 $85. You buy feed; we do feed 4 care, twa-oan GERMAN SHEPHERD Pupa Shots A vet Parents on premises. 3 at $175ea. 966-9131 HORSE TRAILERS Used 3 2 -horse dressing rm, bumper pulls; 1 3-horse slant load bumper pull; 4-horse slant gooseneck. Stomskl Trailer sales, 960-3508.
HUNTER PONY, large mare 14.2 H. 8 yr old several cham- Slon A reserve championships 2000 obo 283-7460 MARE 'Heather's Nemaha' Heg un, cnestnut, a years. MORGAN MARE Reg. 7 yra ota, oay, id. i nanas-reaoy 10 DO BnOWn.
WJat-Dr oOo DAIMT MADE Dorr-I io yra. ora. tasy keeper. auu odo. uan wf-uavo PONY 13.2, shown, jumps, ouu; tngnsn saaaie 5350; pony onoie bbb-obbz QTR HRSE type blue roan 3 yr geiaing nas snown succeas-fully, asking $1500.
439-6615 QUARTER HORSE 9 yr old, emm safe. eua uau tor details, 968-6329. Quartvrhorst Beautiful reg Day Mare, i4.n, 14 yrs, exp naer, ovu DDt-uio cvea QUARTER HORSE Gelding bo, youin or amaieur prospect, $6000 nog. Must sell, Call 625-0770. RANGELINE FEED NEW FROM PURINA: 12 all grain sweet, uasn a carry.
790-1111, 746-0410 SADDLE 16" child's English, Dy Jimmie saooiery, $385. an purpose. THOROUGHBRED 8 yr, ex- poio pony, experienced only. $3006 OBO. Call 966-5329 THOROUGHBRED FILLY 3 yr old.
Great hunter proa- pect, has jumped 3'6 In chute. Serious A loving person a must. $2500. 283-9418. 25-40 Birds Fish Supplies 55 GAL.
REEF TANK Com plete wet dry, over S1000. Sell lor $600. SB8-725I1 BABY BIRDS SPECIAL AT JONES AVIARY 790-4462 BLUE FRONT AMAZON Reduced Must Sell! 3 Yra wnew 36x25x64" cage. Lg. vocab.
Hand trnd, very tame $1000 OBO. 647-0067 BLUE FRONT CONURE Very affectionate, talks. old. $260 wcage 964 BLUE STREAK LORIE 6 mo old, tame handfed. $350.
Call 627-6973 CAGES, New Cocka- tlel $291 IB XZ7 Karrot $39; BIQ Wrought Irons 60 Olf. 1Z-5pm, 642-1050 M.b.f. inc. COCKATIELS Handled Da biea, 7 wka, 4 grays $36 ea, 4 fancies $56 ea. 967-6037 GOFFIN COCKATOOS bonded pair, healthy, $600 firm, ooj- leao HAND FED BABIES NOW AVAILABLE.
Moluccans; Bare-Eyes; Blue 4 Gold; Sun Conures; African Qreya; and manv more babies readv for a home MC Visa accep 796-6610 MACAW Blue i gold. Female, i yrs oio, Desunrui, raiKative, cage Incl $90Qobo 666-3742 MACAW Handfed baby. $850 967-3474 MOLUCCAN COCKATOO Baby, handfed, very pretty. $1050, Call 306-748-0128 MOLUCCAN COCKATOO Hand raised Sweetheart, 3 mo. $1750 305-491-8873 PROFESSIONAL BIRO GROOMING.
Wings-nalls-besks VisaMl accepted 796-6610 UMBRELLA COCKATOO Plua 6 cage, very etiecti ate, $900 OBO. 641 0215. NOW AVAILABLE PRETTY BIRD DIETS Vlaa MC accepted 796-6610 25-50 Miscellaneous Pets FERRET 3 mos. old, very cute and playful. $125.
Calf 566-9096 after FREE GERBILS (2) wcage. 743-4580 RHINO IGUANA IV $900. OBO. 3 Ball Python with cage $100. OBO.
697-8213 SPAYNEUTERVACCINE CLINIC. Cats $20 a up. Dogs $36 up. 305-781-0610 25-90 Farm Livestock BBQ Pigs, goats, sheep, calves vn rotoeny pigs, geese, nena peacocks, guineas, turkeys, ducks, quails, feed. 795-7694 BULL BRAMGUS 3 years old, $990 OBO.
Call 795 0837. Bunnies 3- $10sa; Trio Tur keys $125; Poultry water loul. 10 $2 60ea. 10 $8ea; Goals-Kids 2 $60; 2-Preg. Does $100ea; 2-Bucks $135ea; 790-3611; 790-2407 Chicks ducks, geese, roosters, nens, incuoatora everytning must gol Moving.
478-0056 HEIFFER. INBRED $450 OBO. Call 795-0637 Santa Gertrudis Bull 3 yr old. purebred, eaay calves $975. 793-4048 BusinessFinancial Opportunities 30-10 Business Opportunity 1 A r.DDCT tii St on US 1.
$17,600 628-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. A-1 BEDDING Neta $137K. 689-6661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs A-l Export Int'l 26 countriee exclus. owner trlln 626-1200 AWARD Business Bkrs. ACCOUNTANTS $26,000.
Write up billings. No down payment. Terms. 996-8030 ACE HARDWARE Nets S186K. 689-6661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs Adams Business Bkrs.
622-1111 11811 US HWY 1, B. Adv Specialties Gross $360K 689-6661 Ronald Lawrence Bkrs AGENCyTt'RAVEL $1 Million sales, 6 day, earn $46K Pechter Brkr 738-6222 AIR FRESHENER ROUTE Palm Heach Cnly Established accounts Immediete cash flow Work I weekmonth. Nets l)OK Full finsnclng available 1 800 643 6387 AMOC6 6CONV t24 Hr 8alf Service ir ON MtALTY 842 6740 2) Angeles Time! Syndicate or rotary phones. 25-10 Dogs Cats Supplies IRISH SETTER AKC. 8 wks on 47, taking orders now, $350 all shots.
798-5955 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER 3 Pups, exc breeding. $350 ea. 7 wka 776-3941 KITTENS FREE 8 WKS. GRAY TIGER STRIPES. CALL 627-8591 KITTENS Manx (tail-leas), black ft fuzzy.
9 wks old. $50. Call 439-3708. LHASA APSO Pups, AKC 7 wks. Shots, black, gofd, mixed, 3 $200 ea.
439-7666 LHASA APSOS AKC, 6 weeks old, 2 femalea, 2 males. $200 each, Csll anytime 271-3176 LHASA APSO Lrg 3 yr MA, hsebroke, good company. 4 yr r-A Lap, na, pai-pnr MALTESE POM. AKC, very tiny, white, female ft male. $475 ea.
833-3363 MINIATURE SCHNAUZER Puppy. 10 wks old. AKC. 1-Mala Shots. $200.
272-9803 MINI-DACHSHUND 2 males, AKC, $176. each. Call 968-2714 NEW GUINEA SINGING DOG, barkless, fantastic pet (Dingo) 14 wks, grow 18-23 lbs, rarest breed $660 ea. 305-491-8873 PEKINGESE PUPS 8 wks, 1 Male A 2 Females. $300 ea.
Call Sandy 683-6181 PERSIAN female, Black, months, $150, Call anytime, 633-6084 PERSIAN KITTENS (3), best selection. Must See. 306-344-8618 PERSIANS beautiful white wahaded silver. Green eyes, CFA, ea. 793-6869 POMERANIAN PUPS AKC, while male, red sable female.
Will hold with deposit or $276 each. Call 967-9883 POODLES 3 malei 1 fom AKC registered anow white minis $250 ee. 692-4018 PUG Fawn puppy, AKC-shots, Ch sire ft dam. Bred tor quality $4uu rja-aroa PUGS (2) AKC, ahots, $260 ea. 1 Pekingese $125.
Free black pug. 6i yrs oaa-arca PUPPIES A DOGS ADOPTION FEE COVERS SHOTS, TAG. ft ALTERING. TAX DEDUCTIBLE SHELTER, 881-8117. PUPS Lab (2); Shep (3); all good looking, 8 wka, $50, al-teredahota, tags 881-8117 ROTTWEILER PUPS AKC, (2) lrg.
heada, champ, bloodlines, dad 130lbs, mom 95lbs, parents-pedigrees on must see $350. 994-0445 ROTTWEILERS AKC reg. 2-males. 2-femalea. 13 moa.
ft older. 798-1003 leave msg. ROTTWEILER Needs to give YOU love 1 yr old $150. troo-u io ROTTWEILERS 4 4 AKC, OFA, parents on 8 wks on 4 10 $500 732-9656 ROTTWEILER PUP 4 mo. old male.
Negotiable price. Call Karen aft 9am, 697-8946 SCHIPPERKE Puppies, 10 wxs, unamp sired, exci oedi-gree, 2 lem. $350. 793-7476 SHELTIE AKC. Beautiful male, shots ft health cert.
$350 Call 968-5899 SHELTIE AKC male, 11 mos, personality plusl $200. Call 796-1 888 SHIH TZU (6) pups, AKC, cute es button. Ready 424. M- ram-j3u. raa -5969 shih tzu puppTeT" imT; AKC, 1 male, 1 fern, all shots, ew ea.
aa-ouiz SIAMESE KITTENS Apple head (round), Seal pt. ft blue pt. males, seal pt fern, super sweeties. CFA. Shots; guar- pump i u-jiAj.
ruo-oiaj SIBER. HUSKY AKC. Vet cert 4W mo male, blue eyea, excl bldlins. $400. Ricky 471-4042 SPITZ Male 9 mo.
all white, all ahota, neutered, trained for cage iou pall 575 0482 TERRIERS 3 medium MF, all loving altshots $25 lrg Lab lyr MA $40 881-8117 WEIMARANER Male, Syra old wpapers. FREE to gooo noms call 588-6498 WOLF HYBRID CUBS guarsnteed health. Par-enta on premises. For intsr- view. IV, mag 407-433-2772 YORKIE AKC F.m Chsmpion line, personality plu8lt500 jririt 795-5462 YORKIE PUPS 8 wks.
old, 1 mala, 1 female, $400 ea. obo. 495 8063 1992 I.os 25-10 Dogs Cats Supplies FOX TERRIERS 4 Rsre toy smooth-hair. Vet 6 wka, parents preaent. No smellfleas $300 nego.
Call 478-2478 FOX TERRIERS PETS USA FANTASTIC PUPPY SALE SAT SUN-MON ONLYI ASK YOUR VET ABOUT OUR OUTSTANDING REPUTATION WE BUY FROM THE FINEST BREEDERS IN THE U.S.A. it Akltas, Bassets it ir Blchons, Chihuahuas 1r Cockers, Corgis ir ir Chow, Doxies jr 4r Elkhounds, Labrador ir German Shepherda it ir Golden Retrievers it it Lhasa Apso, Malamute it it Pugs, Pomeraniana it it Pekingese, Shlh Tzu it it Scottie, Springers it it Toy Fox Terriers it MANY MORE PUPPIES TO CHOOSE FROM 1686 S. Congress Ave. it 4fQreenwood Shopping between 10th Ave. N.
ft Forest Hill Blvd. 967-8800 it FINANCING AVAILABLE GERMAN SHEPHERD Petite, 1-Yr, pure black longhaired female. Exc bloodlinea, wpapers. Basic obedience trained. $250.
434-9884. GERMAN SHEP. PUPS (3) AKC 6 Wks Lg. boned. Shots ft wormed.
$300. 796-6872. GERMAN SHEPHERDS Fern. 4 yrs. $250.
Male AKC, 11 Mo. $175. 969-6718 GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC. 1 1 wks. 1 Male.
$250. pick of the litter. 471-7191 GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups, AKC. 8 wks, (3) $300 each. Sable, blscktsn.
587-2294 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP fern ch aired beauty, brains ft brawn. $500. 597-2332 GERMAN SHEPHERDS 3 Females, 8 wks Purebred. AKC, wormed. $200.
965-1854 Golden Retriever Pups. 9 wks. psrents on premises (4 females) $200ea 796-9279 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS AKC. MF. $100 and $200.
unamp DIQOO. B44-1209 GOLDEN RET. (2) M. AKC, very toe. Great wkida.
1st shots $160ea. obo. 686-1 204 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS AKC all shola. 1 mal fern. $275 ea.
966 9351 Golden Ret. Pupi AKC reg. 1 male, 2 ahots, to gooo noma 22b sa 547-1 162 GREAT DANE Blue female, AKC, 20 weska old, $250. 743-4580 GREYHOUND PETS OF AMERICA Offers for sdoplion, retired racera. 407-966-9681 or 1-800 368-1472 GREYHOUND PETS OF AMERICA Look forward to meeting you et The Boynton Qala Mar 21-Mar.
22. Join us snd hug a Retired Racer Free 662-9378 GREYHOUND PUP AKC brindle whits, 12 wks Shots, $350. 305 748-4430 HIMALAYAN Male, Seal Pt CFA 6 mo Very playlul atfec-tionste $200 622 550 Iv msg HIMALAYAN 10-Yrs FREE to good horns. Owner died recently, "Amends" needs cairn, loving snvironment with a lot of TLC Call 966 0861. HIMALAYAN Blue -eyed Kittens Affectionate! 3 at $300 Terms 734 6069; 743-1575 STUMPED? For help 20-60 Building Materials Cabinet! White pickled burch, full kite, setup counts top.
Excl cond. $1000. 743-1833 CEDAR BEAMS 4x8, 8tt i 16ft long pieces. Very clean. (400.
OBO. 439-4435 CONCRETE BLOCKS Stsndard. 1800. $50 per 100. Help load.
582-7070 all 10am DEMOLITION Making way for re-constructionll Avail for immed sale removal-Glass. Mirrors, Fluorescent Light Fixtures, Wsll Panelling, Cabinets, Doors, Phone Systems, Furnishings, Psrtitions, Office Equipment-For Inspection call 832-8502-Palm Bch DOOR SPECIAL (2) 8' bromo eliding glaas doors, tintsd, $100 each. 364-1056 ELEVATOR for sale. Elevette with Installation A operating instructions. 628-0177.
FILL: CONCRETE DIRT Delivery or P'U Call Tim at Kimmins Recycling 547-1334 790 Hillbrath Dr, Lantana. FLOORING New 314x34 ro Plank $1.48 af. Mr Hardwoods, 407-746-9663 HARDWOOD FLOORING Prefimshed pecan. Sacrifice $1.99 51-. 1-4U-g0P-3ti4g PECKY CYPRESS Over 300 BF, 1x10 i 1x12 TQ.
Heavy Pecking. $400 eaB-ou57 msg TRUSSES 25 21' 512, $16 great fof garage or ahed; AC, 7500 BTU, $30. Call 748-6969, ive msg 20-66 Machinery Equipment AIR COMP 2SHP elec, 4000 PSI Sprak Preeeure Cleaner, 20HP elect atari. 641-8979. BACKHOE BUCKET 12" Excellent cond.
Beat offer. 627-4800 CENTRAL MACH. 16 apd, floor drill press, 34 rw, Volt, $146. 686 0312 CHERRY PICKER strong. 10' lift, 2000 lbs.
fine cond. $300. 682-7070 aner loam. HUNTER ALIGNMENT Sys 0111. 1VBM lift, 2 Hoffman lifts parta bins.
683-8975 METAL LATHE Southbend Quick Change, $950 ueu. OHa-6177 aner 5pm PAINT BOOTH 1986 Infertsch downdraft apray booth, infra' red heat, oood cond. Bast of. let Call Bob Aubrey 683-3200 PRESSURE CLEANER 1600 pai. 7hp Honda.
100 ft hose. chem. p'u, never used, paid sen 64moob rNCUHfi WA)ribRS From $44, dev. Southesstern Equipment Rental 848-8765 STEEL SHELVING Pallet Racks. Forlifte Psllet JSCka.
686 8806 SURVEY EQUIPMENT Range rod Elevation rods. Flat 'iles Mic Ron 833-1583 TRACTORS Box Blsdes fertilize spreaders, mowers. Southeastern Rent J48-8785 VIBRATOR TAMPER 18' Plete, Wisconsin Robin eng. exc cond $600 586-4312 20-68 Power Tools SAW Crattaman 10" radial arm aaw. 2 HP.
$325. 731-3144 20-72 MISC, Merchandise 10,000 LP RECORDS $1500 0BO 822-1700 or 622 7126 AC eOOO BTU 50 Dehumidifl- er $40. tow bar $25. turbo torch wB bottle $100, apt size frig $25. Mercedes eng 6 cyi.
-t-extras ajro. rja-4914 AFRICAN VIOLET STAND 2 tlerellghtetraya, excl. condition $200. 790-1065 ALLIGATOR Variety of other skins. 25' 76'fc price reduction.
Antiquee Leathers Company. 278 2459. Dstray ALUMINUM SHEETS (3) 4 10 .090, $60. Csll 627 2298 BABY FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT WANTED CASH PAID. CALL LINDA, 842 8572 CAR COVERPORSCHE excellent condition $75 675-0462 CARPETS 3 rolls of carpet left over from commercisf Inslsllation Will sell all or part Reasonable.
832 2049 20-72 Misc. Merchandise CERAMIC MOLDS 200 Molds. $350 for all. Call for detaila, 964-9069. ELECTRIC BED good cond.
2b. Lg trampoline, round wpadding, $200. 439-2575 Encyclopaedia Brittanlca uompiete aeti Leetner bound. Perfectl $1000 llrml 659-2371 FENCE 160 4 It, vinyl cnain tiriK. Most a reus included Make an ofter.
644-7321 GUNS No pprwrk. Rifles. snotguna, pistols, Lien, pn. lomp ihm. i.4ur; rar-ooeo POOL Round.
4 deep, complete, $500. Call 647-9210 SPAHOT TUB 6 Person Por table. With equip, light and cedar gazebo. Never uaed. $1575.
(305) 964-7488 SPA-PORTABLE Seata 7x7, brand new. Cost $4295. Sell $2495. Call 967-4959 STORAGE SHED carpeted. Everything in it goea, flea mkt itema.
tablea, lampa, etc. $250 tor all 967-2299 TANNING BEDS (8) tor sale, less than 5 months old. Call 775-3069 WATER SOFTENER Entlng Model F930 Softener with Brine. Safety Bypass valve. $450.
683-1125 LIQUIDATION SALE $1 Books. Boynton Book Exchange. 1403 Boynton Bch Blvd 10-6 Mon -Sat 389-1629 20-74 Wanted to Buy APPLS. WANTED Broken Washers Dryers. Window AC'a, Relridg.
CAT. PUPPY, and KITTEN brought Into the State of Florida for sale or acquired and SOLD WITHIN FLORIDA. The law protecta conaumera againat the purchaae of unhealthy ft maladiusted snimals and ee-aurea that animals are given the proper stsrt In life. ALL DOGS AND CATS SOLD must be accompanied by a VETERINARY INSPECTION CERTIFICATE, BE AT LEAST EIGHT (8) WEEKS OLD, free of internal and external parasitea, and have proper inoculations. ABS 100 Puds Herel MERRYF IELD KENNELS 305-771-4030 AKITA AKC, big healthy pups, blkwhtfawn, friendly, shots-wormed $800 790-5737 AKITA Male, 3 Yrs, Excel protector, good wklds.
Needs large yarg. vtvu. poH-aqnj AKITA PUPPY 6 mos old te- msle, AKC Champ, line, $460 nego. 863-4250; 371 9088 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Pups, reg, blk trl-color, 4 fern, all shots $200 es. 790-6528 AUSTRALIAN SHEP Pups 2 Blk-tri.
3 blue merle. ASCA reg $200 each 798-8176 BASENJI AKC 4 moa male. Trl-color $375. 1-286 9444; 1 336-0897 PSL BEAGLE MIX Appro 1 yr. old male Free to good home, call for Interview 988-7608.
BENGAL KITTEN 8 WEEKS OLD $800 OBO. 798-3235 OR 790-4462 BICHON adorable male, 8 mos old male, shots, house-broken, $300 Csll 622-4350 BICHON FRISE PUP 10 wka. AKC, shots, parents on premises $226. 798 3729 25-10 Dogs Cats Supplies Border Colli 3 mos. black ft white female, shots $350.
2 yr. old mala $100. 790-6806 BOXER Puppy, AKC, exc ped. ft conformetion, ahow pros- pect. $560.
637-0213 BULL TERRIER Champion aired, 6 weeka, male, Brindle ft White, $600 562-1865 CAT Female, 2 years, needs lots of TLC ft a cat companion. FREE! 575-7887 CAT MALE YELLOW, AP-PROX 6 MONTHS OLD, FREE TO GOOD HOME. 433-2013 CAT Pretty 2 yr lemale Tabby, altered ehota. A real nice house cat. $15.
681-8117 CATS (2 fern.) Free to excel, home. Declawed, eternized, Indoor. Debbie 886-7590 CATS FREE White Angora, blue eyea, female, 7 yra old, ahow cat; black domeatic, yellow eyea, female, 6 yra. Looking for loving home. Both spayed, front pawa declawed.
txc. nouse pets. ozz-oeu. CATTERY REDUCTION Adult Htmalayana ft Persiana, $iuu. no papera.
rao-aoM. CHIHUAHUAS AKC, 10 wks. $175. Shots, 4 maiea. 588-3296.
an spm. CHINESE SHAR PEIS (3) MF. Champion bloodlines, fawn. $326 ea Call 994 0445 CHINESE SHAR-PEI 4 yrs, spayed, tree to approved home. Call 439-3708 CHINESE SHAR-PEI Puppy 4 montha old.
$175. Call 988-8881 CHINESE SHAR-PEI Apricot Dilute. Fern. Brick nose. Champion lines.
$600. Call 904-628-2966. Call collect. serious Inquiries only. CHOW Lrg red male, papers, Sooo wkios, r-Htfc to gooo omeno other pet.
433-1618 CHOW PUP. AKC. black fe male, ahots, wormed, parents on prem. $250. 795-6658.
COCKER Must sell 10 mo. Housebroken. Loves Kids $100. 969-9606, 688-8588 da COCKER PUPS -Buff, 2 1 gentle, personable $175 ea rarenis on premises rau-smta COCKER SPANIELS 3-AKC Pupa House trained, BlkTan $150oa. Call 478-4762 COCKER SPANIELS AKC.
(3) Puppies MaleFemale. (Buff) $(76ea. 439-6060 DACHSHUND PUPS AKC, red. 3 males, $159 eech. 663-4138 DALMATIANS AKC Ch sired, show qual, all shots.
Msle $200 male $400 471-8276 DALMATIAN PUPS, READY FOR EASTER. Adorable. AKC. champs. $375 up.
1-337-6351 DALMATIAN PUP 9wk msle left, blk ft wht, AKC, shots, $350. Call anytime 565-8651 DOBERMAN PUPS AKC reg, 4 wks, 2 red femeles. $175 es. 3 black matea, $150 ea. Parents on premises.
Csll PJJ-9MB6, ask ror Manny. DOGS Free to good home. Cocker Spaniel Dachshund Both neutered maiea. 967 2B 1 2 DOG SHOW Global Kennel Club Sanctioned all breed dog ahow. Apr.
11-12. Basic obed advanced obed, conformation-protection-Agility. Reaislrs tlon appa due Apr 4. 795 6644 DOGS: Neutered male blk tan Rottweiler. 7 mo; neutered male blktan Hound mix, 1 yr; neutered male NewloundlandLab mix, Blk, adult-spayed female blk Chow Chow, 3 yra; spayed female GoldenCab mix, 1 yr; apayed female brindle Greyhound, 2 yra; CATS: Neutered male Blk White, adult; spayed female Calico, 4 yrs; spsyed female Blk, adult.
MANY OTHER LOVABLE PETS FOR ADOPTION. OPEN DAILY 10AM-4PM. 3200 MILITARY TRAIL, WPB 33409. DOG TRAINING JUPITER TEQUESTA DOG CLUB OBEDIENCE SHOW 743-9628 BREEDER INFORMATION 622-0714; 627-2648 DOG TRAINING 1ST VISIT FREE PB 641-6444; Boca 496-7877 DOXIE 25lb lovable black 3yr FA Red Benji Terrier tyr MA $50 ea 881-6117 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pups. 3 at $275 ee AKC Ma uao on premises.
B42 4MB ENG SPRING SPAN 3 beaut bouncing AKC pupa" in time lor Easter. $276 ea64 1-4270 LAST WEEK'S ANSWERS AlC lu ir 1 1 In u. mo TTBp 11 Ti I a 'l' Ejaiiii 0 231 Tfz jfs" Tpr nIA iiiiIBsIZTwiJiTL ta TRfsIrt'' ti TR1 IS A A TWTlH I AH Tsp A FiitrrmF OICIHlTMl ngjffliA i dt Thit L3lNC A HfTlf HSIH A MIT HI 0 5 TP A i A AIT i iti nc a 7ljHn i 0 4s a i jryTv 1 A 6 i SnfsU ElMi iiim? SMjiiiiniiEi WMliJlLi fOFIfTPWirc I I iAiLililUsllIi IfCiilJLliliil -iiLAi 1H1 ill liiUlJl ill ill! iiInIllliIn.J.S K'AlylEl-irlMNTf ti I I I 1 1 QlVlTTn YORKIE PUP female. 6 wks, AKC papers, shots, $375 Csllj624 5739.